Dr. Anastasia Kyriakoudi is a Chemist with a master’s degree on “Food Chemistry and Technology” of the School of Chemistry (AUTH). She holds a PhD on «Plant extracts rich in isoprenoid compounds of interest in food bioactive ingredients industry». In 2015, she carried out postdoctoral studies at the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, ENEA (Roma, Italy) on geographical traceability issues and on 2016 she was awarded a IKY-Siemens fellowship in the field of “Nanotechnology and Applications” for post doctoral studies in Greece. She is currently a post-doctoral researcher at the Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry of the School of Agriculture (AUTH). Her research interests include the valorization of by-products/wastes of the food industry towards high-added value products (e.g. natural antioxidants, colorants), the extraction of secondary metabolites from natural products using green alternative solvents (e.g. NADES) and techniques (e.g. ultrasound- and microwave- assisted extraction), the characterization of extracts using several analytical techniques (e.g. UV-Vis, HPLC-DAD, LC-MS, GC-FID, GC-MS, FT-IR), the examination of in vitro antioxidant activity, the bioaccessibility/bioavailability of bioactive food ingredients as well as their encapsulation (e.g. inclusion complexation, freeze-drying, nano spray-drying) and the optimization of food-related processes. As a master student, PhD candidate and post-doctoral researcher, she has also participated in several National and European projects.