Stamatia Christaki holds a bachelor’s degree in Nutrition and Dietetics from Harokopio University of Athens and a master’s degree on “Food Science and Nutrition” of the School of Agriculture, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH). Her master’s thesis involved the development of green nanoemulsions based on oregano bioactive compounds and their incorporation in whey cheese for the extension of shelf-life. She is currently a PhD candidate at the Department of Food Science and Technology of the School of Agriculture (AUTH). Her PhD thesis is focusing on the valorization of by-products from the agri-food industry and the recovery and characterization of bioactive and functional compounds (e.g., phenolic compounds, carotenoids, polysaccharides) as well as their encapsulation in chitosan matrices. Her scientific and research interests include the recovery of natural bioactive compounds (e.g., essential oils, phenolic compounds) employing green extraction techniques (e.g., supercritical CO2 extraction, microwave-assisted extraction/distillation and ultrasound-assisted extraction) and green solvents (e.g., aqueous cyclodextrin solutions), the determination of in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, the development of delivery systems and encapsulation matrices (e.g. edible films/coatings, emulsions/nanoemulsions, inclusion complexes with cyclodextrin) and their characterization (e.g., Confocal laser scanning microscopy, particle size analysis, FT-IR). As a PhD student, she is a participant in several National projects, including ChitoFOODS.